
No one could have anticipated the challenges that 2020 would bring.

The year began with the disappointing news that the renovations at the Union Theatre were delayed due to events outside the Council’s control.

We had booked “Les Misérables” to re-open the new theatre and decided to defer this production until the venue was ready.

Plans were made to stage “Jekyll and Hyde” as an alternative production at the Lithgow High School and we began rehearsals in February 2020.

The world changed a few short weeks later with COVID-19 sending us all into lockdown. We continued to stay in touch and support our members during this time with virtual rehearsals and online meetings.

We kept pushing the show dates back, hoping that things would improve however by September we came to the unfortunate realisation that we would not be able to stage a show in 2020.

2021 brought better news with the renovations completed and we then resumed plans to re-open the theatre with a big show, and no show is bigger than “Les Misérables”

We worked on Les Misérables throughout 2021 with the threat of lockdowns and constantly overhead. Getting on stage in August albeit with 50% capacity restrictions in place we were able to complete 4 performances before the statewide lockdown came into force. We completed the season in December 2021.

2022 Saw a return to “normality” with Mamma Mia becoming our most successful show ever in May and we are now preparing to perform Shrek the Musical in November

2021 – Les Misérables

2022 – Mamma Mia

2022 – Shrek

2023 – Jekyll and Hyde

2023 – The Addams Family

2024 – 9 to 5